Entry 3

 When coming up with material to give students I would find it best to create a unique curriculum. Though that can be a lot of work and very time-consuming it decreases the likelihood of copyright issues and engages the students more. It can also decrease the likelihood of cheating as unique material calls for unique answers.

It is theorized that students have a decrease in productivity when allowed to use technology in class. While it's not proven I agree with this as I've seen many students use technology for other things during designated technology time. This causes students to fall behind in class very quickly. Ad blockers and site blockers would work well but I've seen lots of people get past them, so a better solution would be the teacher's computer being able to watch over the rest. 

Though I agree AI can be so helpful if used correctly I've never seen it used for good. I typically see it used for cheating on assignments and as a teacher managing AI is very difficult. It would be best to keep it out of schools until there are more rules around the use of AI in education. I've also seen teachers allow students to ask for permission to use AI in the classroom, which I like but I feel can lead to a slippery slope.

A paragraph about the new skills you acquired from working on the Newsletter Design assignment. How could you improve your newsletter in the future? How can the skills you learned from the assignment be used in your future career? Display a screenshot of your newsletter on your blog.


  1. Hey, Ashley! I found your post very interesting. I agree that teachers should be creative with their class materials, but I do not think that they should be responsible for creating everything. Curriculum, specifically, should be largely standardized across classrooms. I agree that ad blockers and site blockers would be beneficial for students, especially younger students who may venture off-task frequently. I also agree that AI is a slippery slope that can be used to cheat, but I think that it is important to acknowledge the benefits of AI as well. Overall, great post and thank you for sharing your opinions!


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